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Cameron Gill

Cameron Gill

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Sports Injury Bulletin Vol 22 Issue 3

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Further reading

10 ways to improve ACL rehabilitation without adding additional exercise

11 factors that differentiate sciatica from hamstring or other causes of posterior thigh pain

2 programs to jump-start your telehealth Ther-ex Rx

3 considerations for return-to-sport decision making

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47% of ACLR patients who can SLS still have strength deficits

5 tips to improve sleep in young athletes during the pandemic

5 ways to address psychological, social, and contextual factors in athletes with knee trauma

5 ways to reduce muscle loss while injured

6 recommendations for the treatment of hip pain

6 steps for successful telemedicine: Hands-off doesn’t mean second-hand

7 things to know about treating Masters runners

8 key principles for rehab with para-athletes

8 tips for conducting telehealth treatment sessions like a pro

A clinicians guide to side strains in cricket fast bowlers

A consensus on surgical versus conservative management of ACL injuries

A 'hands-on' approach to axillary nerve injury

A history lesson

A hop, skip, and a jump: restoring function following surgical repair of patellar tendon ruptures

A pain in the neck

A tale of two halves: the differences in muscle stiffness during menstruation

Aching bones in young athletes

ACL rehabilitation: when is your athlete really ready for sport?

ACTing against the fear of re-injury

Acupuncture for sports injuries?

Acute Hamstring Injury Rehab – Get eccentric!

Acute to chronic workload ratio: fact or fiction?


Adam Davidson - 'The game speaks to the players, not me'

Address these 4 things to improve patient outcomes

Adductor magnus: tales of tightness

Adductor rehab: keep on the ball with a criteria-based plan!

Advice to discharged athletes: don't play right away

Alicia Filley

Alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-carnitine

Ankle and foot biomechanics

Ankle deep in the wrong diagnosis

Anti-inflammatory medication: does Mother Nature know best?

Are you getting enough salt during recovery?

As the shoulder turns: understanding the subscapularis - Part I


Assessing and managing acetabular labral tears

Athlete voices in sports injury: The untapped resource

Athletes: Yes or no to keto?

Autoregulation: The solution to the rehab programming puzzle

Axillary nerve injury: a pressing problem

Back in action: causes and remedies for low back pain in runners

Back pain in ice skaters: How to prevent the downhill spiral

Baker’s cysts: an early indication of pathology?

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Further Reading

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in the Female Athlete

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in the Female Athlete

Back to Basics: Revising Tissue Healing

Back to Basics: Revising Tissue Healing

Beyond Injury: The Unrecognized Influence

Beyond Injury: The Unrecognized Influence

Behind the Scenes: Unveiling the Mental Health Challenges of Support Staff

Behind the Scenes: Unveiling the Mental Health Challenges of Support Staff

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Sports Injury Bulletin Vol 22 Issue 3
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Our international team of qualified experts (see above) spend hours poring over scores of technical journals and medical papers that even the most interested professionals don't have time to read.


For 17 years, we've helped hard-working physiotherapists and sports professionals like you, overwhelmed by the vast amount of new research, bring science to their treatment. Sports Injury Bulletin is the ideal resource for practitioners too busy to cull through all the monthly journals to find meaningful and applicable studies.

*includes 3 coaching manuals

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Sports Injury Bulletin

Sports Injury Bulletin brings together a worldwide panel of experts – including physiotherapists, doctors, researchers and sports scientists. Together we deliver everything you need to help your clients avoid – or recover as quickly as possible from – injuries.


We strip away the scientific jargon and deliver you easy-to-follow training exercises, nutrition tips, psychological strategies and recovery programmes and exercises in plain English.

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