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In part one of this series, Chris Mallac explained the anatomy and complex biomechanics of the VMO and its role in relation to the patellofemoral joint. In part two, he argues that regardless of the cause and effect of the VMO on patellofemoral pain, VMO dysfunction in the presence of pain is very real, and thus, exercises to rehabilitate the function of this muscle are necessary.
Most of the research suggests that VMO is an important patella stabilizer for the knee, as it moves during flexion and extension movements. However, many of these findings relate to the role that VMO plays on the patella in a non-weight-bearing situation, and the function of the patellofemoral joint and the VMO may change as we assume a weight-bearing position.
In weight-bearing, the limb is subject to so many more kinetic variables such as pelvic position, hip joint flexion/ adduction, hip rotation postures, dynamic knee valgus, foot pronation postures, as well as inherent tibial torsions, femoral anteversions, and genu valgus postures. These all impact the patellofemoral alignment and thus may play a bigger role in patella dysfunction rather than VMO dysfunction.
Atrophy of the quadriceps is a common observable clinical feature following injury to the knee (PFPS included), particularly atrophy of the VMO(1,2). Atrophy of the VMO, imbalance of the VMO/vastus lateralis (VL) strength, and altered neuromuscular timing of the different parts of the quadriceps muscle have all been described in patellofemoral pain syndrome(3).
The exact mechanisms that cause a morphological change in the muscle during atrophy are still debatable. It may be either a decrease in muscle fiber diameter/area (atrophy) or a decline in the number of muscle fibers (hypoplasia)(4,5). Furthermore, it is unclear whether atrophy of the VMO precedes a patella injury or develops secondarily due to pain inhibition and physical inactivity following recurrent injuries(6).
Clinically, what is observed is that the PFPS patient presents with a painful knee, usually some swelling and observable atrophy of the VMO or inability to activate the VMO. However, this is not to suggest conclusively that the lack of VMO has caused the PFPS. All that can be said is that in the presence of PFPS, some manner of morphological change and alteration in activation in the VMO co-exist.
Finally, the exact cause of this morphological change is also debatable. The most common explanation is that quadriceps atrophy is caused by reflex inhibition, leading to loss of muscle contractility and, thus, muscle size over time(1). This phenomenon is called‘arthrogenic muscle inhibition (AMI)(7).
Arthrogenic muscle inhibition (AMI) is a reflexive ‘shut down’ of the musculature surrounding a joint. It is initially designed to protect an injured joint; however, the inability to fully activate the muscles may persist after the acute stage, leading to barriers in the rehabilitation process. It has been suggested that the cause of AMI is altered afferent input from the joint mechanoreceptors that then modulate the outgoing efferent output from the spinal motor neurons to the muscle. This alpha motor neuron modulation (inhibition) results in an inability to activate the muscle fully(8).
Very few studies have measured the actual CSA of the quadriceps under imaging. However, it has been found that after traumatic injury resulting in an inability to weight bear, quadriceps atrophy is more pronounced than in sufferers of more chronic knee pain who have been fully weight-bearing(1,9). This suggests that even modified weight bearing has some benefits in maintaining muscle mass.
However, the actual effect of knee pain on quadriceps atrophy and CSA may not be as significant as once thought. Callaghan and Oldham (2004) found only a tiny 3.38% difference in CSA of the quadriceps between affected and non-affected limbs in patients with chronic PFPS. Interestingly, the same researchers saw a more pronounced loss of peak extension torque on the affected side that was not correlated to CSA loss. PFPS leads to a more significant loss of strength in the quadriceps than CSA loss.
Finally, some researchers believe that delayed activation of the VMO is the more significant variable than gross muscle strength loss of the VMO(10-12). Therefore, the muscle may look the same as the unaffected side (CSA) and may be as strong or close to the same strength. Still, it may activate differently or have delays in activation in a similar way that transverses abdominus has been found to have a delayed activation in patients with low back pain (see activation ratios above)(13).
The selection of effective exercises to strengthen and activate the VMO has also received widespread attention in the form of research into the ‘best’ exercises and positions to produce VMO firing. The variables that can be considered and manipulated, and which have been the subject of greatest research are:
However, in a systematic review of the literature on exercise therapy in the conservative management of PFPS, Bolga and Boling (2011) found no difference in pain response and exercise therapy if it incorporated quadriceps electrical stimulation, biofeedback, or simultaneous hip adductor activation with exercise(14). Indeed, none of these approaches provided any additional benefit over quadriceps exercise alone. However, they did not elaborate on whether or not the interventions shown in these studies demonstrated greater VMO activation compared with a control exercise. Although the interventions may not change the response and improvements in pain, they may be more selective in activating the VMO.
What needs to be considered in the selection of exercises are the following points;
With these points in mind, below are some exercises that incorporate the following parameters to preferentially activate the VMO and assist in relieving PFPS. The key features of these exercises are small ranges of movement in safe positions for the PF joint, unstable surfaces, high repetition and low load, external force to incorporate the hip external rotators and hip abductors, and EMG feedback used if available.
Split squat
5. Place another band around the upper shin (below the patella) so that the direction of pull attempts to pull the knee inwards, thus creating hip adduction/internal rotation. This will then activate the hip abductors and external rotators to counteract this force.
6. Bend/flex the knee so that the knee follows the third toe and minimize the knee flexion to a maximum of 45 degrees.
7. The direction of knee flexion should be so that the patella is pushed forward towards the toes and the tibia creates a positive angle. If the tibia is kept upright, then this directs force away from the quadriceps and towards the hip extensors. The exercise aims to stimulate the quadriceps, so the knee must be allowed forward.
8. Perform three sets of 15 repetitions, and lightweight can be added as strength and control improves. This can be a barbell on the shoulders or holding two dumbbells in the hands.
9. To further increase the stability challenge, the arms can be held above the head to raise the height of the body’s center of mass (with or without dumbbells overhead).
Baby squat
3. The other foot is placed on a bench so that the hip is in flexion, abduction, and external rotation.
4. Place a band around the working knee and then stand on the band with the foot on the bench. Wrap the band over the thigh and hold onto it. This band creates an adduction and internal rotation force on the hip, requiring the hip abductors and external rotators to work harder.
5. Keeping the spine vertical, slowly bend the knee to no more than 45 degrees. If the trunk can come forward and create too much hip flexion, the force will shunt away from the quadriceps and onto the hip extensors.
6. Keep the kneecap tracking in line with the third toe.
7. Perform three sets of 15 repetitions slowly.
Wall slider squat
1. Using the same slant board and foam block as in the ‘baby squat,’ stand on this, with the foot belonging to the knee with the affected VMO.
2. The other leg is held up in hip flexion.
3. Place the opposite shoulder in contact with the wall.
4. Hold a lightweight overhead on the stance leg side. The arm will be in vertical flexion.
5. Slowly bend the knee and allow the opposite shoulder to slide down the wall.
6.The bent knee should again follow the third toe.
7. The opposite hip can now start to drop out of complete flexion.
8. As the knee extends straight during the ascent of the body, the opposite shoulder will slide up the wall. Drive the opposite hip back into full flexion. This will mimic the running action of the opposite leg during the swing phase of running.
9. The friction of the shoulder against the wall acts as a resistance.
10. Perform three sets of 15 repetitions slowly.
Injuries to the knee are a common occurrence in sports. Ligament injuries, patellofemoral pain syndromes, and meniscal tears can all create arthrogenic muscle inhibition, which can shut down the excitability of the quadriceps muscles – particularly the VMO. For a long time, the VMO has been thought to be the central controller of the patellar alignment in the trochlear groove, and thus, weakness in this muscle has been considered the causative factor in PFPS.
However, the majority of scientific opinion is still divided as to the exact role that the VMO plays in creating PFPS. VMO dysfunction is the consequence of PFPS, and other biomechanical and load variables can be implicated in the creation of PFPS.
Irrespective of the cause and effect of VMO dysfunction and PFPS, it is clinically observed (and the literature supports the notion) that VMO dysfunction and PFPS are related. Therefore, strength and control exercises for the VMO will be needed to rehabilitate the PFPS-affected athlete.
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