Following on from his article on cervicogenic headaches, Patrick Gilliam explores the causes of cervicogenic-related dizziness in athletes, how to diagnose and effective treatment options.
Dizziness is a very common complaint in clinical practice, affecting approximately 20-30% of the general populationPain Phys. 2015. 18: 583-595. It can manifest as faintness, unsteadiness, a perception of spinning, and disorientationChiro & Man Th. 2011. 19-21. The mechanisms causing these symptoms are multiple, and can involve several different organ systems. In particular, dizziness can be experienced from disturbances of the ear, nose and throat; cardiovascular system; and central nervous system (CNS)Pain Phys. 2015. 18: 583-595Man Th. 2005. 10: 4-13.
More commonly in sport however, is the association of dizziness in 20-58% of athletes who sustain a traumatic cervical flexion-extension injury or ‘whiplash’ injuryPain Phys. 2015. 18: 583-595Chiro & Man Th. 2011. 19-21JOSPT 2000. 30(12): 755-766. This can occur due to dysfunction in the upper cervical spine and sensorimotor control disturbancesPain Phys. 2015. 18: 583-595Man Th. 2008. 13: 2-11. This specific type of dizziness is referred to as cervicogenic dizziness (CGD)Chiro & Man Th. 2011. 19-21.
Table 1: Duration and frequency of common causes of dizziness
Common symptoms
Related Factors
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
Head position, usually worse in the morning
Cervicogenic Dizziness
Dizziness, disequilibrium
Minutes to hours
Related to head position
Perilymphatic fistula
Disequilibrium, vertigo
Seconds to minutes
Vertigo during Valsalva manoeuver
Labyrinthine concussion
Vertigo, disequilibrium
Hours to days
Increases with fatigue
Central vestibular dysfunction
Dizziness, disequilibrium
More constant
Days to weeks
Combined with inner ear pathologies
Table 1 gives an idea of how to distinguish dizziness with cervicogenic origin from that of other causes. In addition, common distinguishing features of CGD include associated neck pain, restricted cervicothoracic range of motion, and headachesJOSPT 2000. 30(12): 755-766Dis & Rehab. 2007. 29(15): 1193-1205. Furthermore, hypertonicity to dorsal soft tissue (particularly suboccipital musculature) and positive pain provocation with palpation to cervical zygapophyseal joints are likelyDis & Rehab. 2007. 29(15): 1193-1205. Further disturbances with cervical joint positional sense, postural stability, and oculomotor control, such as altered smooth pursuit and saccadic eye movements, can also present with this disorderMan Th. 2008. 13: 2-11.
The proposed mechanism for the above-mentioned characteristics are a result of changes to excitation levels of cervical somatosensory receptors. This is caused by neck pain or trauma, and leads to a sensory mismatch between vestibular and cervical inputChiro & Man Th. 2011. 19-21Man Th. 2008. 1-11. Literature supports the presence of a strong connection between cervical dorsal roots and the vestibular nuclei (see Figure 2) particularly at levels C2 and C3Man Th. 2005. 10: 4-13JOSPT 2000. 30(12): 755-766.
The cervical afferents are also involved in three reflexes influencing head, eye, and postural stability/proprioception: the cervico-collic reflex, the cervico-ocular reflex, and the tonic neck reflexMan Th. 2008. 13: 2-11. In addition, there is an abundance of mechanoreceptors in the ‘y-muscle’ spindles of the deep segmental upper cervical muscles, which if sensitised by trauma, leads to alterations of proprioceptive signalling to the CNS (see figure 1)Pain Phys. 2015. 18: 583-595Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1996. 77: 874-882. With this in mind, it is understandable that injury or trauma of the neck may be associated with a sense of dizziness or disequilibrium.
Figure 1: Link between cervical afferents and the vestibular nuclei/oculomotor afferents
As a result of the previously mentioned competing pathologies, it can be difficult to diagnose the primary cause of dizziness. Obtaining a thorough history from a patient presenting with dizziness is therefore critical to making a decision regarding appropriate careChiro & Man Th. 2011. 19-21JOSPT 2000. 30(12): 755-766Man Th. 2008. 13: 2-11Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1996. 77: 874-882. To entertain a diagnosis of CGD, the therapist must be able to correlate the onset and diagnosis of the dizziness symptoms with the neck pain o r dysfunction ( i e with cervical movementsJOSPT 2000. 30(12): 755-766. Commonly, the most provocative cervical movement is extension; however, CGD can be reproduced with rotation or (more rarely) flexionMan Th. 2008. 1-11.
Table 2: Co-existing symptoms with dizziness, which indicate additional pathology
Unexplained symptoms suggestive of CNS pathology (require immediate medical attention)
Symptoms suggestive of vestibular pathology
Symptoms appropriate for physiotherapy input
-Constant vertigo -Feeling of being pushed to one side -Facial asymmetry -Swallowing dysfunction -Speech problems -Oculomotor dysfunction (cranial nerves Ill, IV, VI) -Ptosis -Vertical nystagmus -Loss of consciousness -Repeated, unexplained falls -Changes in sensation -Severe headache -Upper motor neuron signs and symptom
-Constant dizziness -Unilateral hearing loss -New onset of tinnitus -Aural fullness (stuffiness in ear) -Ear pain -Transient vertigo
-Transient dizziness -Cervical pain -Limited cervical range of motion -Radicular upper extremity symptoms -Headache -Balance complaints -Jaw pain -Visual sensitivity
Table 2 lists co-existing symptoms that should be explored further because they are suggestive of CNS or inner ear (vestibular) pathology. Such symptoms would require further investigation and would not be appropriate for physiotherapy treatmentJOSPT 2000. 30(12): 755-766.
Another pathology which can cause dizziness and unsteadiness, and which should not be misdiagnosed is damage to the vertebral artery or vertebrobasilar arterial injury. This can be present following head and neck traumaJOSPT 2000. 30(12): 755-766Man Th. 2008. 13: 2-11. If there is any suspicion of vascular involvement, a clinical framework has been proposed providing an accurate guideline for assessment and managementManual Th. 2014. 19: 222-228. Likewise, it is worth noting that dizziness can be caused by elevated anxiety and medication intake as wellMan Th. 2008. 13: 2-11.
To quantify the functional impact of CGD, the Dizziness Handicap Inventory Questionnaire has been proposed ( Dizziness_Handicap_Inventory.pdf). The purpose of this scale is to identify diff icul ties that someone may be experiencing because of dizziness. Although this assessment is not specific to athletes, it can be helpful as a valid and reliable outcome measureMan Th. 2008. 13: 2-11Man Th. 2008. 1-11Phys Th. 2014. 94(4): 466-476.
Other measurable outcomes for symptoms can include a 5-point scale for intensity of dizziness (0=no, 1=mild, 2=moderate, 3=severe, and 4=very severeDis & Rehab. 2007. 29(15): 1193-1205. Similarly, frequency of dizziness can be measured on a 6-point scale (0=no dizziness, 1=dizziness less than once per month, 2=1-4 episodes of dizziness per month, 3=1-4 episodes per week, 4=once daily, and 5=more than once per day or constant)Man Th. 2008. 1-11.
Pain provocation and disruptions to cervico-thoracic range of movement can be assessed using a neuromusculoskeletal objective assessment, while the effect on CGD symptoms is monitored. To gauge any additional sensorimotor control disturbances however, clinical assessment of cervical joint position sense (Figure 2), oculomotor control, and postural instability or balance/ proprioception can be very usefulPain Phys. 2015. 18: 583-595Chiro & Man Th. 2011. 19-21JOSPT 2000. 30(12): 755-766Man Th. 2008. 13: 2-11.
Figure 2: Cervical joint positioning sense assessment
A laser pointer is mounted on the patient’s head using a headband. The patient is positioned 90cm from the wall, and a starting point for the laser is marked on the wall in front of them. With eyes closed, the patient is asked to perform the dysfunctional cervical active range of motion, and return back to the starter mark. Errors as little as 3-4 degrees (4-5cm) can indicate a deficit in jointpositioning sense. With added variances, this procedure can also be used as an effective rehabilitation exercise for the patient (see ‘Sensorimotor disturbances in neck disorders affecting postural stability, head and eye movement control’ by Treleaven for a full descritpion)Man Th. 2008. 13: 2-11.
Figure 3: Postural stability assessment
Balance testing in a narrow, tandem or single-leg stance can be tested with eyes open or closed. Inability to maintain stance for 30seconds, noticeably large increases of sway, slower responses to correct sway or rigidity to prevent sway are considered abnormal responses. Neck disorders are thought to rely more on visual input for balance; therefore, omitting this input will produce obvious deficitsPain Phys. 2015. 18: 583-595Man Th. 2008. 13: 2-11Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1996. 77: 874-882. Again, practicing balance in challenging positions can be a useful rehabilitation tool.
Oculomotor control assessment
This includes gaze stability (the ability to maintain gaze of a target while the head is moving), smooth pursuit (eyes follow a target whilst keeping the head still), saccadic eye movements (eyes fixed on a target that is moved quickly), and eye/head coordination (maintaining gaze when both the head and eyes are moving in between two targets – leading with the eyes first). Symptom provocation is a positive test, as well as, noting any abnormal coordination of the taskMan Th. 2008. 13: 2-11. Similarly, these tests can be used for rehabilitation, and with appropriate adaptation, can be made more functional to sporting tasks.
With the patient sitting, the therapist applies an anterior glide to the transverse process of C1 on the same side of the symptomatic movement. In this example, the patient experiences dizziness when rotating to their left side. The idea being that this is the primary dysfunctional movement simulating an over-rotational of C1 on C2 in this direction. The glide aims to normalise this movement. Therefore, a positive sign would be the relief of symptoms whilst performing this technique. The glide should be in a horizontal direction, along the facet plane. With low severity of pain and dizziness 6-10 repetitions can be applied with further sets. If there is high irritability, then 3 sets of 3 repetitions is recommended as this technique can be very stimulatingMan Th. 2005. 10: 4-13Man Th. 2008. 1-11Phys Th. 2014. 94(4): 466-476JOSPT. 2010. 40(4): 225-229
Figure 5: Central C2 SNAG
If extension or rarely flexion provokes the symptoms then the therapist should trial central pressure on the C2 spinous process during movement. Because the technique is still trying to affect the C1-2 articulation, the glide should continue to be in a horizontal direction. Repetitions apply as described above. Alternatively, the patient could perform this independently using a belt/ strap as shown.
Researchers have argued that once a confident diagnosis has been achieved, management of CGD should be the same as for cervical pain, supporting the role of manual therapy for long-term benefitsPain Phys. 2015. 18: 583-595Chiro & Man Th. 2011. 19-21Man Th. 2005. 10: 4-13JOSPT 2000. 30(12): 755-766Dis & Rehab. 2007. 29(15): 1193-1205Man Th. 2008. 1-11Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1996. 77: 874-882Phys Th. 2014. 94(4): 466-476. Following trauma, it is thought that type 1 cervical articular mechanoreceptor and proprioceptors from dysfunctional joints results in a loss of normal afferent input. This leads to aberrant information being sent to the vestibular nuclei, thus formulating symptoms similar to vestibular disturbances, such as dizzinessMan Th. 2005. 10: 4-13.
With this in mind, cervical spine mobilisation techniques (sustained natural apophyseal glides, and Maitland mobilisations) have been shown to be effective in restoring normal movement of the zygapophyseal joints. The benefits include a reduction in pain and muscle hypertonicity, which helps re-establish normal proprioceptive and biomechanical functioning to the cervical spinePain Phys. 2015. 18: 583-595Man Th. 2005. 10: 4-13Phys Th. 2014. 94(4): 466-476.
If these techniques described above are successful then a self-SNAG (as described in issue 159) can be recommended for the patient to try at home using a towel or belt/ strap. In general, it has been proposed that these techniques should be utilised over a course of four to six sessions, which should produce a long-term reduction in symptomsMan Th. 2005. 10: 4-13Man Th. 2008. 1-11Phys Th. 2014. 94(4): 466-476. Combining these manual techniques with sensorimotor control rehabilitation, as described previously, is recommended by the majority of literaturePain Phys. 2015. 18: 583-595Man Th. 2008. 13: 2-11Dis & Rehab. 2007. 29(15): 1193-1205Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1996. 77: 874-882;however, remains inconclusive in a minority of researchChiro & Man Th. 2011. 19-21.
CGD is a diagnosis characterised by dizziness and disequilibrium, which is associated with neck pain, most commonly following neck trauma, such as forced cervical flexion-extension mechanisms in sport. The diagnosis relies on the basis of history and examination, and should prioritise the exclusion of other possible causes of dizziness, including involvement of the CNS, cardiovascular, and vestibular systems. Physiotherapy intervention is not appropriate if there is any suspicion of these systems being the source of symptoms. In this instance, onward referral to a clinical specialist should take precedence.
When diagnosed correctly, there is good support for the use of manual therapy techniques to produce a long-term reduction in symptoms. Given the prevalence of sensorimotor control disturbances associated with dysfunction to the upper cervical spine, the addition of sports-specific rehabilitation focusing on regaining this control can be clinically justified.
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